Friday, June 3, 2011
I am so crushed I cannot believe my own sister did this?
my parents evicted my older sister, so she is basically dis-owning the whole family. I am not involved and dont even live w/ my parents but she returned my birthday present and christmas present i had gotten her and had pictures of me in the box w/ my face scribbled out and ripped up. She left the house unlocked and busted up the keys rather than returning them to my parents. (its ok because they planned on changing the locks anyways). She also stole all the appliances such as stove, refrigerator. She took all the blinds and curtains that my parents had purchased, she even removed all the covers over the light switches, took out every light bulb, removed the toilet seat cover, even the little toilet paper thing that you put the roll on, she took the shower curtain and rod, she took down all the ceiling fans, and urinated all over the bathroom floor. All the toys me and my parents had bought my neice and nephew she had thrown out in the garbage. She also removed the outside hose, and cut down the rope for the flag pole. The also found trash scattered throughout the yard and inside the house. My parents are consulting there attourney and I guess suing her for the stole appliances and damages. But why did she do this. By the way both her and her husband work and had the money to find another place, and they were given a notice with a long time to move.|||If she%26#039;s married, why on earth was she living with her parents?!? Also, that%26#039;s a big job to move all that stuff out of the house, she obviously had a lot of help and a big truck. Are you making this up? If not, WOW, she%26#039;s crazy. I don%26#039;t have a clue why she would do that and can%26#039;t even begin to think of why unless you provide the reason your parents kicked her (and her husband?) out of the house.|||There could be a lot of reasons why. That sounds really fishy though. Either she has anger problems or she might even be doing drugs. People who are heavily into drugs will do just about anything, including stealing, to get money to purchase them. A person in the right frame of mind wouldn%26#039;t be doing that. Urinating in the floor? Wow. That actually makes me really sad. I don%26#039;t blame your parents for doing that. She might have some mental issues if it%26#039;s not drugs or anger problems... maybe a combo of it all.|||Wow, she should consider anger management. She doesn%26#039;t seem to be a mentally healthy individual. I would try to protect my feelings and physical self from her for the time being, and not even answer her calls. She seems dangerous. You might want to get a restraining order from her, or ask your parents to do this, I don%26#039;t know anyone in their right minds who seeks out that sort of revenge to acquaintances, much less their on blood.|||And i thought my sister was crazy!!|||Wow, you had to ask this more than once. Will you do the same if you%26#039;re her?